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A Global Celebration for Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu’s 52nd Birthday and Demand for Immediate Release


Today, we celebrate the extraordinary life of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, an accomplished economist, scholar, and human rights defender from Azerbaijan. On his 52nd birthday, the world is coming together to honor Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu and demand his immediate release from prison, where he is being held on politically motivated charges. Despite the efforts of the repressive regime in Azerbaijan to silence him, Dr. Gubad continues to inspire people around the world with his courage, integrity, and dedication to human rights. So let us stand together in solidarity with Dr. Ibadoglu and demand his freedom on this special day.

Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu is a highly respected economist who has worked tirelessly to promote economic development and alleviate poverty throughout Azerbaijan and the wider region. He is the author of numerous books and articles on economic policy, entrepreneurship, and regional development, and has served as a consultant to many international organizations, including the World Bank, the UNDP, and the European Commission. He has also been a vocal advocate for human rights and democratic reforms in Azerbaijan, often speaking out against government corruption and oppression. His critical voice has made him a target of the authoritarian regime in Azerbaijan, and he was arrested on dubious charges of tax evasion, embezzlement, and illegal entrepreneurship.

Since his arrest, Dr. Ibadoglu has been held in pre-trial detention, where he has been denied proper medical care and subjected to harsh conditions. He has been unable to see his family and lawyers, and his health has deteriorated rapidly. Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have condemned his detention as politically motivated and called for his immediate release. Many international figures, including members of the European Parliament, the German Bundestag, and the US Congress, have expressed their support for Dr. Ibadoglu and demanded that the Azerbaijan government drop all charges against him and release him from custody.

Today, on his 52nd birthday, people around the world are celebrating Dr. Ibadoglu’s life and legacy, and calling for his freedom. From Brussels to Washington, from Berlin to Tbilisi, from London to Istanbul, events are being held to honor Dr. Ibadoglu and demand his release. Social media platforms are abuzz with messages of support, using hashtags like #FreeGubad to raise awareness of his case. Many politicians, scholars, public figures, human rights activists, journalists, and ordinary citizens are joining the chorus of voices calling for justice in Azerbaijan and an end to the persecution of dissenters.

Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu’s 52nd birthday is a powerful reminder of the enduring spirit of human dignity and the universal appeal of human rights. As we celebrate his life and legacy, we must also recognize the urgent need to defend freedom of expression, association, and political participation in Azerbaijan and elsewhere. We must demand the release of all prisoners of conscience, including Dr. Ibadoglu, and hold accountable those who suppress dissent and abuse power. We must stand in solidarity with all those who struggle for justice, equality, and human dignity, and build a world that upholds these values for all. So today, let us join hands and hearts in celebration and solidarity, and demand the immediate release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu. Happy Birthday, Gubad!


Free Gubad Ibadoglu

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