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Emin Bayramov: Chat with Secretary Blinken About My Father’s Unjust Imprisonment

In a world where justice often seems distant, personal stories of resilience and advocacy can inspire us to take action. Recently, Emin Bayramov had the honor of speaking with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a pivotal moment that offers hope but also underscores the ongoing struggle for human rights. The Journey Begins Emin’s story […]

Hosting COP29 Should Not Override Human Rights Concerns

COP29 Gubad Ibadoglu

Azerbaijan’s government is under scrutiny as accusations of a media crackdown arise ahead of the country’s hosting of the crucial UN climate talks later this year. Human Rights Watch has documented at least 25 instances of journalists and activists being arrested or sentenced in the past year, with nearly all remaining in custody. This pattern […]

240 Organizations Worldwide Express Concern Over Unjust Arrest of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu

In an era defined by a collective struggle for transparency, accountability, and the defense of human rights, the story of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu stands as a sobering reminder of the cost of advocacy. Dr. Ibadoghlu, a steadfast anti-corruption expert, and a beacon for human rights in Azerbaijan, has been subjected to undue imprisonment under conditions […]

The New York City Bar Association’s Call to Action – Standing Up for Human Rights


The New York City Bar Association has taken a firm stance against the arbitrary detention of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu in Azerbaijan. This prominent opposition politician and human rights defender has been unjustly arrested on dubious charges, denied fair trial rights, and subjected to inadequate medical treatment. The Association’s statement condemns these violations and calls for […]

21 Co-Sponsors in US Congress – Urgent Call for Justice: Release Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu

In a show of solidarity, the United States Congress is taking a stand against the unjust treatment of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu by the Government of Azerbaijan. With an impressive 21 co-sponsors, a resolution has been submitted to demand his immediate and unconditional release. This blog post sheds light on the distressing situation, condemning the wrongful […]

21 U.S. Senators and Representatives Rally Behind Detained Economist, Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu

In a joint effort, 21 Senators and Representatives have penned a letter to Antony Blinken, expressing deep concern and calling for immediate action to help Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, a prominent economist and academic currently detained in Azerbaijan. The Plight of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu:Dr. Ibadoghlu and his wife were forcefully abducted by masked individuals near Baku, […]

US Congressmen and Senator Demand Release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu

The political situation in Azerbaijan has been a topic of concern for many in the international community. Recently, a group of nine US Congressmen and a Senator have come together to send an official letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken. In this letter, they demand urgent action to secure the release of Dr. Gubad […]

Free Gubad Ibadoglu

Stay updated on the ongoing case status.