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The Fight Against Corruption: A Father’s Sacrifice

In the fight for justice and integrity, there are those who are willing to put everything on the line. Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu is one such individual, a father of three who has been illegally imprisoned over 100 days now due to his unwavering stance against autocracy and corruption. His son, Son of Gubad Ibadoglu Ibad […]

The Urgent Need to Save Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu’s Life

The words of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu’s children are enough to break anyone’s heart. Their father, a renowned economist and opposition figure in Azerbaijan, is in critical condition. His health is deteriorating rapidly due to complications with his heart issues and unmanageable blood sugar levels. The situation has left him immobile and in immense pain, requiring […]

U.S. Embassy in Baku shows support for Azerbaijani human rights advocates


On October 20th, 2023, the U.S. Embassy in Baku Azerbaijan made a public statement in support of lawyers and human rights advocates who are defending the fundamental freedoms of Azerbaijani citizens. The deputy assistant secretary, Josh Huck, spoke with these advocates and was updated on the ongoing cases of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu and Bakhtiyar Hajiyev. […]

The Suppression of Academic Voices and the Urgency of Global Solidarity

On October 12, 2023, The New University in Exile Consortium hosted an online event called “The Suppression of Academic Voices,” featuring esteemed speakers Judith Butler, Michael Ignatieff, Steven Pinker, and Kenneth Roth, with an introduction by The New School’s President, Donna E. Shalala. This important event marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of […]

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Raises Concern for Gubad Ibadoglu’s Detention

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair’s Senator Ben Cardin has raised a concern over Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu’s illegal imprisonment. Dr. Ibadoghlu, an Azerbaijani dissident, has been detained for over 80 days, and his health has significantly deteriorated. On Twitter, Senator Ben Cardin expressed his concern and stated that human rights are of utmost importance […]

Senator Chris Coons Takes to Twitter to Advocate for Release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu

Senator Chris Coons has taken to Twitter to advocate for the immediate release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, a renowned economist who is being wrongfully detained by the Azerbaijani government since July. Concerned by reports of Dr. Ibadoglu’s ill health and mistreatment in prison, Senator Coons has joined his colleagues in calling for his immediate and […]

We Cannot Let Azerbaijan Silence Dissent: Freedom House

We cannot let governments use their criminal justice system to silence dissenting voices. This is especially true when it comes to Azerbaijan, where the regime of President Ilham Aliyev continues to repress political opposition and human rights activists. One example of this is the case of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, a prominent opposition leader who has […]

London School of Economics Advocates for Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu’s Release

The London School of Economics, one of the top universities in the UK, has been advocating for the release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, a research fellow at the institution who was illegally detained in Azerbaijan. This highly respected scholar, human rights defender, and political activist was arrested without any valid reasons on 23rd July 2023. […]

Free Gubad Ibadoglu

Stay updated on the ongoing case status.