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240 Organizations Worldwide Express Concern Over Unjust Arrest of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu

In an era defined by a collective struggle for transparency, accountability, and the defense of human rights, the story of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu stands as a sobering reminder of the cost of advocacy. Dr. Ibadoghlu, a steadfast anti-corruption expert, and a beacon for human rights in Azerbaijan, has been subjected to undue imprisonment under conditions […]

The New York City Bar Association’s Call to Action – Standing Up for Human Rights


The New York City Bar Association has taken a firm stance against the arbitrary detention of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu in Azerbaijan. This prominent opposition politician and human rights defender has been unjustly arrested on dubious charges, denied fair trial rights, and subjected to inadequate medical treatment. The Association’s statement condemns these violations and calls for […]

The Suppression of Academic Voices and the Urgency of Global Solidarity

On October 12, 2023, The New University in Exile Consortium hosted an online event called “The Suppression of Academic Voices,” featuring esteemed speakers Judith Butler, Michael Ignatieff, Steven Pinker, and Kenneth Roth, with an introduction by The New School’s President, Donna E. Shalala. This important event marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of […]

London School of Economics Advocates for Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu’s Release

The London School of Economics, one of the top universities in the UK, has been advocating for the release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, a research fellow at the institution who was illegally detained in Azerbaijan. This highly respected scholar, human rights defender, and political activist was arrested without any valid reasons on 23rd July 2023. […]

Supporters Rally Front of Amnesty International HQ for the Release of Gubad Ibadoglu

Today, Amnesty International headquarters gathered supporters of Gubad Ibadoglu, a world-renowned scholar and political activist, who has been detained by the Azerbaijani authorities for 53 days on fabricated charges. The European Parliament has adopted a resolution raising concern about serious human rights violations in Azerbaijan, calling for the release of Dr. Gubad. Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu […]

Response to the Arrest of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu in Azerbaijan – CSEEES

Weing news today about the renowned Azerbaijani economist, Gubad Ibadoghlu, who was unjustly detained during a brief visit to Baku to take care of his ailing mother. Dr. Ibadoghlu, a prominent opposition politician, esteemed economist, and chair of the Azerbaijan Democracy and Prosperity Movement, was sadly arrested on false charges. Currently, Dr. Ibadoghlu is a […]

TU Dresden Stands for Human Rights: Campaigning for Release of Gubad Ibadoglu

TU Dresden is one of the top 10 universities in Germany and is also known for its unwavering commitment to human rights and academic freedom. Recently, the university has been campaigning for the release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, a world-renowned economist who is currently imprisoned in Azerbaijan. In this article, we’ll discuss the details of […]

A Blow to Academic and Political Freedom – Off-University

off-university gubad ibadoglu

Academic freedom is the cornerstone that upholds the pursuit of knowledge and truth. Unfortunately, this freedom is not always guaranteed in certain parts of the world. One such example is the recent arrest and detention of Gubad Ibadoglu, a prominent economist, lecturer, and politician in Azerbaijan. This blog post sheds light on his detention, the […]

Free Gubad Ibadoglu

Stay updated on the ongoing case status.